In every semester, one midterm and one final exam is conducted in Hajvery. Students are  evaluated in each course on the basis of tests, classroom assignments, quizzes, practical work in  the laboratories, and terminal examinations. The distribution of marks shall be as follows:

o    Courses without practical/lab work requirement:

  •       Mid-term Exam 25%
  •       Quizzes/Assignments 25%
  •       Final Examination 50%

o    Courses with practical/lab work requirement:

  •     Theory Part:
  1.        Mid-Term Exam 25%
  2.        Final Examination 50%
  •     Practical/Lab work Part:
  1.        Mid-term Exam 25%
  2.        Lab Assignments 25%
  3.        Lab Terminal Examination/Viva 50%

The students shall have to pass separately in theory and in practical/lab work. Failure in any one,  theory or practical, shall result in failure in the course. Students shall be eligible to appear in the  terminal examination provided:

  • They have paid all prescribed fees/charges and have been on the rolls of the campus during that semester;
  • They have registered for the courses of study and have attended not less than 80% of the lectures/seminars delivered in each course and 80% of the practical/laboratory work prescribed for  the respective courses.